Needless, to say, it sucks. So off we went to hedge my bets and see a doctor. Thankfully, I have a donor (Alan) and we will go through the process of harvesting embryos. What does this entail, you ask? Well, first I will be pumped with enough estrogen to make even a beauty salon full of southern women cringe. This hormone extravaganza will last about two weeks. This, I'm told, will make me SUPER FUN. If by fun you mean crazy, yes- then fun. I keep thinking about Charlotte on "Sex and the City" getting shots in the ass every night right before she went crazy at the cardboard baby. I will do all this while recovering from surgery. We can't start chemo until this little ditty is taken care of. Then the Pac-Man Begins.
Pac-Man. That's kind of how my doctor described the procedure. See, my ovaries will be bursting with little eggs. Then they'll take this little device- there's a medical name for it but please, they're sticking something in my whoo-hah, I'm not one for specifics. It has a camera on it, but it's nowhere near as fun as a camera between your legs should be. They will insert it into my ovaries and then- his words, "It's kind like a video game." They will go around and try to capture as many little eggs as possible. Fifteen minutes later and done. Yep, weeks of foreplay and it's all over in fifteen minutes. Who says this isn't like the real thing?
Then they take the eggs, Alan's "deposit" (His job is way easy), and scramble them up. Voila! Little half breed Brits. They will then be frozen and saved for a rainy day. Hopefully, I may not even need them- hopefully we can do it au naturale one day. But for now, this will be the closest thing to making babies we get for a while. That sucks. But thank God I have some of these options. I am beginning to thank God every day for the research, the money, the doctors- everything that makes it medically possible for me to even have these choices. If it's a choice of no babies or Pac-Man, I'll take Pac-Man any day.
Well I don't think my job is that easy. I think I will practice for a while this evening! Just to ensure that I am in top form on Thursday. I know its like riding a bicycle, but surely the more you do it the better you get at it?!?
So, if you have half breed Brits does that mean they will only be able to subjugate half of a subcontintent or perhaps they'll only like tea every other day...or if it is a girl she'll only where hats on the weekend...hmmm...the options...
Alan, for your sperm to be in top swimmer form, I think you should avoid riding a bicycle for a while...
Courtney, I know this is all about cancer and videogames and whatnot, but I'm hungry. Weren't you going to collect some good recipes? Post 'em. I'm uninspired and need to feed myself something good. Or bad. Whatever. Just post some recipes.
When the cancer bug came to me, I had to go to the fertility place too, to store some potential little dave's. This is a note for Alan: Dude - at the place I went, they said that you could bring anything or anyone into the room with you.
As long as you take it with you when you go.
Which I thought sounded a lot like a house party I went to back in college, but I digress.
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