A couple of days after I was diagnosed, Alan told me he had sent away to get information to walk in the Breast Cancer 3 Day. This seemed a little unlike him to me. Maybe it was his need to do something- anything. It was his way to support me, do whatever he was able to do, fix something, whatever.
Anyway, the info came to our house and I read it and I watched the DVD and I cried. And I decided I needed a goal. Maybe it will serve as an impetus to get me out of bed one morning if I'm too tired- or go outside and walk around my new neighborhood if I just feel like being a grouch. Hell, maybe "training" for a 60 mile walk will help me lose the pounds I will put on by ovarian pac-man, chemo and too many cookie baskets. Either way, I decided I am going to do this walk. Alan's going to do it with me. We're doing the Atlanta one from Oct 20-22. That should be right about the time I'm finishing up treatment, so I'll probably be the poster kid- all bald and sexy. Hopefully it will be a chance to celebrate my success and help others. I have seen first hand why research is so damn important- this is the least I can do.
So expect the fundraising email to hit your mailboxes some time in the next few months. Between the two of us Alan and I have to raise like $4500. We also started a team- Team Courtney- original, I know. A couple people have mentioned the possibility of joining Alan and I for the weekend and walking with us. I can't tell you how much that would mean to me. so if you think you might like spending a wonderful fall weekend in the South, being all inspirational and shit, drop me an email. I'll bring the sweet tea.
And for everyone, please check out www.the3day.org
It's been a long day- I need a drink. Are bloody mary's part of the training plan?
You rock, girl.
Would you mind posting the fundraising info on your blog, too? I think plenty of people would want to contribute--you'd raise that $4500 in no time.
Hi Courtney,
You stole my idea!!! well so did millions of others, currently knowing 4 people with breat cancer. A group of us (vikki, rach and zoe, fiona and i) are doing the Bristol half marathon sunwalk on the 9th july.
Same but different. So get training.....
Claire x
Sounds awesome Courtney. Don't be discouraged, though, if chemo turns your 60 Mile Walk into a 60 Feet and Sit Down Again Walk :-) That's one thing I really should have done more of during chemo (walking). I've read that walking around the block, etc., during chemo can really make a difference. My lack of fitness now post-chemo is a big pain in the ass, as, again, I wish I'd made a goal like this.
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