Friday, March 10, 2006

I'm home

I'm home and everything went well. They didn't find anything in my lymph nodes but they took out a couple to be sure. I was home by 5pm. I'm actually feeling pretty good, but that might be the drugs. Yum....drugs. Something with more narcotics than vicoden. Sweet. I've been able to sit up and chat and see my doggies. Actually better than we all expected. Who knows how I'll feel tomorrow, but for now, everything is good. Thank God.


Anonymous said...

Fantastic news so far! I am so glad you are feeling well, drug induced or not...

Anonymous said...

What a relief, Courtney. I'm glad you are ok.

Unknown said...

Courtney, I found my way here via your Aunt Megan and want you to know you are in my prayers. I'm glad it went well yesterday.

Anonymous said...

What good news to wake up to this morning! I'm so glad you're feeling well, lady.

Anonymous said...

rock on, sister-woman. puppy love is the way to go. (and meds, don't forget the meds.) So glad no nodes involved. get rest, be well.


Chris said...

Save a pill or two for me! They'll go well with my homemade blueberry bread! Buh-Bye Maria. So glad the eviction was successful. love and hugs!